Thursday, November 21, 2019

Student Spotlight

Andrea Villanueva
Andrea received the sophomore spotlight. She is involved in the high school band.
Julian Espino
Julian received
the sophomore spotlight. He is involved in football, basketball, baseball, and track.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Golden Cat Luncheon

The Golden Cat Luncheon was started at Sunray High school last year and is becoming a Bobcat tradition. To receive the Golden Cat Luncheon invitation students must have A's and B's, no tardies, perfect attendance, and community hours. Students must have three out of the four to get a Golden Cat invitation. For the first six weeks 90 students received the Golden Cat Luncheon. These students received a Golden Cat t-shirt and a pizza lunch. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sunray Community Thanksgiving

Date:  November 22, 2019
Time:  11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Place:  High School Commons Area

Hosted by SHS Student Council and Culinary Arts 

National Red Ribbon Week

     Vaping has become a major health problem in teens and young adults in America. Nationally 1 in 4 high school students' vape and teen vaping is up 11.7%from 2017.Vaping causes serious lung damage and even death. 
     The Sunray  High School students had an assembly about the dangers of vaping during Red Ribbon Week. In a survey they took 54%of our students are vaping, or have tried vaping. The normal percentage of high school students that are vaping is between 36-40%.
     Red Ribbon Week this year was October 28 to November 1. It's the largest// drug awareness program in schools, it raises awareness of of living a drug /free life. This year's Red Ribbon Week Dress Up days were VSCO day, Redneck/YEE day, Pajama day, Wear your Halloween Costume, and Stand strong against drugs/#rockyourbestBLUE&GOLD

The Sophomore class participated in Red Ribbon Week on
October 31 by wearing Halloween costumes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


The High School and Junior High boys and girls cross country teams traveled to Boys Ranch on October 15. The Junior High girls 1st -6th place and both girls and boys teams won 1st place.
The High School girls and boys  teams placed 2nd over all. They had a really good run at district! Medals were received by Katelyn Hernandez- 4th, Sergio Alcantar - 3rd, Erik Escapita - 5th, and Vicente Gallegos -6th.
Their next meet for Regionals was on October 28 at Lubbock. At Regionals Katelyn placed 9th for the girls and Sergio placed 21st for the boys. Both of these athletes will be traveling to Round Rock, TX. on Nov. 6 for the state meet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


As most of us know, Emma Preston is such a strong, sweet, and a kind girl.Emma lives in Dumas, TX with her little brother and her parents Chandler and Natasha Preston. When Emma was 4 years old, in August 2017, she was diagnosed with a Germ Cell Brain tumor. Emma fought a brain surgery, chemo, radiation, and a nasty fungal Infection. Emma had a year in a half being cancer free, but she relapsed early March 2019.
Emma and her family thought it was best for her to stop radiation, the doctors have given her two to three months to live. Emma is such a caring, sweet girl that she took time out of her own to pray for others just like her. On September 29, the Panhandle  came together and had a private parade just for Emma.On October 19, an event called Emmapalooza was held in her honor. Many people in the community donated everything that was needed for the event. Emma was also crowned the first ever Princess by Cowboy Classic Rodeo Texas Teen. Emma's favorite animal is a unicorn and her favorite holiday is Halloween.
Sunray High School held different fundraisers for this sweet girl. We raised a total of $3,317.59. This money was presented on October 11 to her grandmother Rhonda Smith at the We Are Golden Pep Rally.

The Injury Plague

        This football season has been brutal for the Bobcat quarterback position. By the time they played Panhandle they were their fourth string quarterback because of all the injuries.
        Michael Peeples started the season before he received a shoulder injury. "It felt amazing to be the 1st string quarterback and i felt like i was the leader of the team,'' said Peeples.
        Julian Espino took the lead before having his hand broken during a game. " I started out as !st string was going good until i broke my my hand.It was fun fun being out there with the team,"said Espino.
        Third at the helm was Tate DeBord. DeBord had a back injury that keep him from playing for one and a half games. " It felt great to because i should've been 1st string quarterback an i'm like Baker Mayfeild," said DeBord.
         " I find this as a privilege because i never saw myself as a quarterback and now I'm grateful for the coaches to give me a chance," said Sergio Alcantar who took the position while DeBord was injured.
            The Bobcats have one more against West Texas High School. Let's cross our fingers that Mr. DeBord stay healthy for this game.


On Saturday, October 19 the Pride of Sunray Marching Band traveled to Dick Bivins stadium for the UIL marching contest. There are four judges who rate the bands. Based on what the judges observe, they judge on straight lines, feet together, wrong or right notes, and the counts. There are around 48 students in the high school band. Last year the band received a 1-1-2 rating and advanced to Area. This year they received all 1's but won't be advancing to area this year because this is the off year. Every other year we can advance to Area. We are so proud of our band! Drum Major Emma Morris stated, "With effort and discipline all things are possible."