Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Injury Plague

        This football season has been brutal for the Bobcat quarterback position. By the time they played Panhandle they were their fourth string quarterback because of all the injuries.
        Michael Peeples started the season before he received a shoulder injury. "It felt amazing to be the 1st string quarterback and i felt like i was the leader of the team,'' said Peeples.
        Julian Espino took the lead before having his hand broken during a game. " I started out as !st string was going good until i broke my my hand.It was fun fun being out there with the team,"said Espino.
        Third at the helm was Tate DeBord. DeBord had a back injury that keep him from playing for one and a half games. " It felt great to because i should've been 1st string quarterback an i'm like Baker Mayfeild," said DeBord.
         " I find this as a privilege because i never saw myself as a quarterback and now I'm grateful for the coaches to give me a chance," said Sergio Alcantar who took the position while DeBord was injured.
            The Bobcats have one more against West Texas High School. Let's cross our fingers that Mr. DeBord stay healthy for this game.

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