Monday, December 16, 2019


Inspirational Quotes for YOU
“Be fearless in the pursuit that sets your soul on fire.”
Ms. Pipkin

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
                                                                                                Coach Wodach

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work.”
Michael Peeples

      “Look for something positive in each day even if some days you have to look harder.”                                                              Leslie Mendoza


The Joy of Giving
Somehow, not only for Christmas,
But all the long year through,
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to you;
And the more you spend in blessing
The poor and lonely and sad,
The more of your heart’s possessing
Returns to make you glad
~John Greenleaf Whittier

Cartoon Time

Student Spotlight

Junior Student Spotlight

Erica Escobar
Erica is involved in the SHS Band and Yearbook.

Sergio Alcantar
Sergio is involved in SHS Band, football, cross country, and basketball


Girls Basketball Season

Kenzie Lodholm and Kali Flores taking on the Lady Hornets.

   This basketball season for the SHS girls has started out great. Under the direction of a new coach the girls are putting in the work and trying their best.  Coach Seth Slover came to Sunray after coaching in Stratford. This team’s goal is to have a repeat of last year and make it to the playoffs.
    The Lady Cats had a tournament in White Deer on December 12-14 and had a very successful weekend with 3 wins.  Before Christmas break starts the Lady Cats will be traveling to Shamrock.


Boys Basketball
Sunray Basketball team had a great season last year although it ended in a really tough loss. This year’s team is looking to top that and go really far into the playoffs. With our new coach all the way from California, Coach Adam Wodach looking to come into Sunray and have a winning and very successful season. The kids have put all their trust into him and they believe they will go on a run in the playoffs. What yall don’t know is that Coach Wodach does not mess around in practice. When he is angry and frustrated he can fly off the handle a bit, but most of the time when we are doing good and not turning the ball over he is very chill. Even though he is chill we still get a lot of good work in and we learn new drills, offenses, and defenses. This season is going to be great and hope to a run in the playoffs.
Cutter Lust and Michael Peeples in the game against the Spearman Lynx.

Christmas Break
December 21-January 5
Have a very Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!


Robotic 2019-2020

At Sunray High School this year there are four robotics teams double the amount of teams from last year.  Their first meet was on November 16 in Stinnett.
   The next meet for the robotics teams was on December 7. They traveled to Dimmitt to compete against 27 teams. This meet did not go as well because of technical problems that they were having, but other than that they did well.
   The next meet will be in Sunray on January 18. There will be more than 10 schools and more than 29 robotic teams will be competing. There is going to be two fields open and over 40 matches. It will be from 10:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.

MaKenzie Morton and Faith Castillo preparing their robot for a match at the Dimmitt meet.

FFA Teams

Sunray FFA

Sunray FFA recently competed in Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) at the district and area levels. LDE’s focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication, and their knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization.
   In the Top ‘O Texas District competition at Frank Phillips College, three of our teams advanced to compete at the Area 1 Competition. Senior Chapter Conducting received 2nd place, Greenhand Chapter Conducting received 1st place, and Ag Issues received 1st place as well.  Our Quiz and Creed speaking teams also competed but did not advance to the Area level.  
   In the Area 1 competition Ag Issues placed 4th, Greenhand chapter conducting placed 6th, and Senior Chapter Conducting placed 8th. 
   “We are proud of our season and our achievements this year; we only hope to be even better next year.” said Audree Wilson.

   Sunray FFA will be competing in Career Development Events (CDE’s) which build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice. They are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture. CDE’s are a student favorite, they are excited to compete in the events and get the Sunray FFA name on the FFA map this year.

Annual Can Food Drive

Annual Can Food Drive
On December 3-17, Sunray National Junior Honor Society, the Counselor Squad, and the 8th grade class will be sponsoring the Annual Can Food Drive for 2019. The can food drive benefits the community of Sunray.  All items will be donated to Sunray Resource Center.
   Students grade Pre-K to 8th grade will compete with each other, the Elementary classes will compete against each other and the Middle School classes will compete within each grade level.

   Items donated must be: canned, bagged, or boxed food items. Please do not donate items that are expired or opened. They will also accept cleaning supplies, soap, laundry cleaning items, etc.
   Winners for the class competitions will be announced after the Elementary Christmas Program December 20.

Christmas Lights Parade

The FFA class made a float for the parade and the students riding in the float had their pet dogs with them.

Christmas Parade
   The Sunray Lions Club and Kelby Sharp hosted Sunray’s first ever Christmas Light Parade. The parade was held on December 2 on Main Street, with a lit Christmas tree at the end of the parade were pictures could be taken with Jolly Old Saint Nick. The parade was a fundraiser with all proceeds going to Sunray Resource Center.
   Floats were designed by different organizations in Sunray and Dumas, all the floats looked amazing but only three could be voted as winners. The float design winners were Scott and Kim Sharp, The Bible Baptist Church, and The Christ the King Catholic Church. All three winners donated their cash prize to the Sunray Resource Center.