Monday, December 16, 2019

FFA Teams

Sunray FFA

Sunray FFA recently competed in Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) at the district and area levels. LDE’s focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication, and their knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization.
   In the Top ‘O Texas District competition at Frank Phillips College, three of our teams advanced to compete at the Area 1 Competition. Senior Chapter Conducting received 2nd place, Greenhand Chapter Conducting received 1st place, and Ag Issues received 1st place as well.  Our Quiz and Creed speaking teams also competed but did not advance to the Area level.  
   In the Area 1 competition Ag Issues placed 4th, Greenhand chapter conducting placed 6th, and Senior Chapter Conducting placed 8th. 
   “We are proud of our season and our achievements this year; we only hope to be even better next year.” said Audree Wilson.

   Sunray FFA will be competing in Career Development Events (CDE’s) which build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice. They are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture. CDE’s are a student favorite, they are excited to compete in the events and get the Sunray FFA name on the FFA map this year.

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